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Filminfo & Termine

Tea with the Dames – Ein unvergesslicher Nachmittag

Tea with the Dames – Ein unvergesslicher Nachmittag
Großbritannien 2018, Laufzeit: 84 Min., FSK 0
Regie: Roger Michell
Darsteller: Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins

Meine Meinung zu diesem Film

Highy recommendable
Raspa (395), 05.05.2019

It is a genuine pleasure to watch and, of course even more so, to listen to these fabulous four ladies. Their conversation will make you smile, perhaps even laugh. If you can, attend one of the performances in the original language. The subtitles will help you if otherwise you might not understand every detail of their conversation. Anyway, do not miss this clever piece of entertainment.

Neue Kinofilme

Mickey 17
